On Sunday Oct 14, 2018, in an effort to become better equipped to face the challenges that Dark Skies present to our communities, Can-Traffic Services attended the

Mike Mitchell, Can-Traffic (Left)
Laura Mitchell, Lumican (Middle)
Harun Mehmedinovic, SKYGLOW (Right)

Lumican sponsored Skyglow event at the Telus World of Science. The presentation was hosted by UCLA graduate Harun Mehmedinovic, a Bosnian American film director, writer and photographer. The Skyglow Project ventures to educate people about the matters associated with light pollution. Using stunning high resolution images in the IMAX theatre Harun explained how we as individuals and municipal bodies can reduce “Skyglow”. The International Dark-Sky Association identifies these key points that we as home owners can implement to minimize light emissions:

  • -Use fully shielded, dark sky friendly light fixtures that shine down and not up.
  • -Install timers, motion sensors and dimmers to control lights.
  • -Use long wavelength lights with a red or yellow hue.
  • -Keep your blinds closed.
  • -Use the right amount of light.

Harun went on to explain the effects that artificial lighting has on energy consumption, wildlife, climate and personal health and their respective resolutions.

To learn more about this topic you can visit the links above. To learn more about how Can-Traffic Services can retrofit your town, city, or municipality’s existing infrastructure to be more dark sky friendly, please contact our sales team.


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