Can I Leave My Car to Press the Crosswalk Button?

Can I Leave My Car to Press the Crosswalk Button?

This truly is an interesting question. The answer, amazingly, is yes.. well, in some circumstances. Once again, we reached out to the Sherwood Park RCMP for help and they kindly obliged our curiosity. We presented them with three possible scenarios that involve...
Driverless Shuttles in Alberta

Driverless Shuttles in Alberta

Yes, you heard right! Driverless shuttles will soon be accessible right here in the Province of Alberta. At this very moment, the staff at Can-Traffic Services Ltd are working together with various institutions within the Province to help adapt, create and mobilize...

New Intersections In Sherwood Park

As Sherwood Park continues to grow, so to does its traffic infrastructure and its need for new intersections. Couple this growth with an increase in development on the south side of Edmonton and one will soon understand why the demand on Sherwood Park’s road...

Vehicle Detection Cameras

Many of you may notice during your daily commute, the small cameras perched atop the streetlights in an intersection. People often confuse these with speed cameras. Speed cameras are usually larger than Vehicle Detection Cameras and are typically accompanied by some...

Distracted Driving

A hot topic today in traffic circles – no pun intended- is distracted driving. According to, distracted driving is responsible for 25% of all traffic fatalities of which ALL were preventable. Here are some other statistics from the article; Driver...